+6 votes
by (790 points)
Hey guys, I have an issue with one of my clients fb account : He gets send trash traffic I mean terrible traffic, his ad is a video ad to a free course, great CTR (over 7%) but once they're on the page no optins over 700 visits (and we've tested, it's not a technical issue) We think it's because one of his past landing page had a technical issue, facebook noticed it was a "bad customer experience" and now sends trash. I've tried from another ad account inside the same business manager but same issue. Any advice? Should we try from another BM ?  
Hey guys, I have an issue with one of my clients fb account : He gets send trash traffic I mean terr

4 Answers

+3 votes
by (650 points)
Best answer
Are you using "traffic" objective or "conversions"?  
by (790 points)
Traffic as we have no past conversions, do you think that would work ?  
by (790 points)
Worth trying anyways
by (650 points)
That's probably why. I almost always run conversion ads and it works great, but one time I was curious and tried traffic and video views as objectives with the same exact ad and the results were terrible. Hundreds of clicks and almost no conversions, whereas our normal conversion rate is about 25%.  
by (790 points)
Thanks Beau, I'll give it a try
by (2k points)
@anaesthetize24 I am having same issues but been running conversion for an e-commerce product. Y creatives good just can’t get the customer to buy.  
+1 vote
by (1.5k points)
I used conversion instead of traffic. I had better results from there.  
+2 votes
by (190 points)
700 visits and no conversion? Yeah I agree that FB will send you lower quality traffic with Traffic objective but. 700 visits without any conversion I would also assume that you have an offer issue or the landing page experience is bad or both. So the offer is free sign up for the free training?  
by (790 points)
No problem with the landing or offer, changed to conversion yesterday and works perfect now :) thanks again @anaesthetize24
0 votes
by (2.1k points)
Have you tried opting in yourself to see if everything fires
by (790 points)
Yeah it does, works perfect organically, @anaesthetize24 found the problem, it works now by moving to conversion
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